What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal....

"Being good is commendable, but only when it is combined with doing good is it useful"
~Author Unknown~

    I believe that no matter where one is from or how different his/her culture, we all possess the same basic needs. We each possess a unique way in which we interpret the world around us. When working with people careful consideration should be taken to acknowledge each individuals unique set of values, beliefs, and spirituality (Practice Framework, 2008). I believe that unconditional love and gratitude toward others and the universe activate a more profound and complete healing. Certainty and presence intensify love’s healing energy. 

    I am filled with inspiration and gratitude to help others. This inspiration came from my experience watching members of my family struggle, due to their health conditions. I was desperate to find a way to empower my family again.  Gaining the knowledge on how to truly be a help to others brings great satisfaction and meaning to my life.  Through the Occupational Therapy profession I can use the tools I have learned to help and inspire others.

As An Occupational Therapy Assistant Health Care professional I Promise To….

            I promise to take a holistic approach to intervention and treatment. I recognize that there is a connection between mind, body, and spirit. I will help promote a balance between ones internal and external self. Also, I recognize that man has a past, present, and future, and that it influences therapy.  

    I promise to truly listen to an individual I am working with and have empathy. I will not just simply sympathize or identify with an individual; I will have true momentary merging with another person in a unique moment of shared meaning. This will empower our therapeutic relationship. 

    I promise to work with an individual as a team, to find the best solutions for treatment. Working as a team to create the individual’s goals is a key component to a therapeutic partnership. I will use my expertise to make sure the individual is emotionally or intellectually ready to hear my suggestions for treatment. 

    I promise to be patient and kind. I understand that learning or relearning a task is something that takes time and practice. I will be there to encourage and help an individual to persevere through treatment. I promise to help an individual reach his/her potential. “Salvation does not come through the sight of me. It comes through discipline and hard work, so work diligently for your own liberation.” – The Buddha

    I promise to fully attend to an individual’s needs, wants, values, goals, and beliefs without judgment or bias.  I shall not project my own values, needs, wants, goals, or beliefs onto an individual. I will recognize their uniqueness. 

    I promise to show the individuals I work with the gratitude and love I have for them. I will do my best to promote evolution and growth throughout the healing process. “When I speak of love, I am not speaking of some sentimental or weak response. I am speaking of that force which all of the great religions have seen as the supreme unifying principle of life. Love is somehow the key that unlocks the door which leads to ultimate reality.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

I promise to engage individuals in purposeful, meaningful occupation-based therapy. I promise to educate the people I work with, and provide legitimate educational resources. I will help teach individuals to advocate for their rights (Ryan, 2005).

            In conclusion, I promise to have compassion for my fellow human race. I choose to see myself as a citizen of the world, not defined by geographic boundary, time or space. I value our world and the people that inhabit it.